How Do Private Investigators Near Me Help in Legal Matters?

Saturday 8 Jun 2024 - 04:48:10

  Private Investigators near me are an asset in legal issues which can be complex and daunting, but with the help of investigators like Alpha 1 Legal Services, navigating through legal matters can become clearer and more efficient. Private investigators can gather crucial evidence, conduct surveillance, locate witnesses, and uncover hidden information that can support […]

Private Investigators & Stingray Technology

Friday 19 Jun 2015 - 09:02:09

Private investigators are not the only people carrying out covert operations in the UK at the moment. The BBC has reported that the UK government are using Stingray Technology to monitor mobile devices used by the general public. It is thought that the Metropolitan Police have owned stingray technology since 2009.  The UK National Crime […]

Private Investigator Tackles Dog Fouling

Friday 12 Jun 2015 - 09:56:21

In this weeks post we are tackling a topic that will surprise you because it is not normally thought of as a particular concern of professional private investigators in their day-to-day jobs. Private Investigators tackle dog fouling – The problem is Dog Poo. Dog fouling is a problem because with the inevitable, inadvertent step in […]

Private Investigators in Ireland

Friday 5 Jun 2015 - 09:02:00

Private investigators in Ireland, and people who use them will have to be even more careful as the need for a Private Investigator licence becomes law in November. In Ireland the Private Security Authority (PSA) will be the overseers of the private investigation industry. They are already responsible for licensing the security industry with licences being […]

Private Investigator for Surveillance

Friday 29 May 2015 - 12:22:49

A story released by ABC news earlier this month tells how a private investigation company used their skills to catch a farmer who had been scamming an insurance company that had been paying his workers comp claim. It only took four hours of surveillance for the private investigator to get video footage of the farmer […]

Private Investigators & Cheating Husbands

Friday 22 May 2015 - 02:17:46

When most people think of private investigators they think of someone who is always trying to catch a cheating husband or wife. Although there is often much more to a private investigator’s job, it is still the case that matrimonial matters are still the bread and butter jobs for most private investigators. It could be […]

Counter Surveillance

Friday 15 May 2015 - 10:26:41

Counter surveillance techniques form a major part of any professional private investigators toolkit, whether they include expensive and new technology or just the private investigator using his or her streetwise skills. In this post we will be looking at why and how this is the case. Needing to avoid being noticed by the target: Counter surveillance. […]

Private Investigators & Data Recovery

Friday 1 May 2015 - 09:00:12

Data Recovery and Private Investigators Data recovery techniques are a specialist skill honed by professional private investigators. We should all know by now that posting on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and the myriad of other social media sites can cause some serious issues between husbands and wives, friends, relatives and employers. A simple post […]

Checking Private Investigator Credentials

Friday 17 Apr 2015 - 11:05:56

Private investigator credentials – It is a sad fact that there are a large number of people in this world who are just plain dishonest. And it is also a fact that a large number of these dishonest people do end up being investigated by professional Private Investigators. What’s the point of private investigator credentials? […]

Court Appointed Private Investigator

Friday 3 Apr 2015 - 12:26:33

A court appointed private investigator? America is leading the way in court funded private investigation. Its becoming an intrinsic part of a defence strategy that private investigators are called in to interview potential witnesses for the defence. It stands to reason that a single person that has been accused of a crime does not not […]

Private Investigators and Phone Hacking

Friday 6 Mar 2015 - 01:18:29

Private Investigations are dependent on the quality of data gathering techniques used. The methods used must comply with the law. In this post we look at the consequences of data gatherers, ie. journalists and private investigators, that got it wrong. Phone Hacking in the News. In the news this week you may have seen the […]

The Private Investigator and Social Media

Saturday 28 Feb 2015 - 02:47:15

Private investigator and social media – If you can cast your mind back to the last post, we showed you just how many people across the nation (according to Ofcom) have at least one social media account. The thing about those social media accounts is that they can also be used to network with other […]

Social Media & Private Investigators

Saturday 21 Feb 2015 - 12:34:11

Social media has taken the world by storm. According to Ofcom, in 2014 66% of adults that use the Internet in the UK have a social media profile on at least 1 platform. Facebook is still the most popular, although Twitter and Pinterest amongst others are catching up. In the two youngest age groups measured […]

Private Investigator Spy Apps?

Friday 30 Jan 2015 - 10:51:59

Private investigator spy apps? An integral part of the modern, professional private investigator tool kit is the mobile phone. Of course these days they are not just a phone but they are a smartphone. They are great. Almost everybody has one. One of the best things about them is the ability to download apps. Apps […]

Private Investigator & Safety Regulations

Saturday 6 Dec 2014 - 01:36:18

Private Investigator safety? As technology progresses, the technology companies find cheaper and cheaper ways of doing things and so the cost to the consumer is vastly reduced. Only 20 years ago the price of a CD burner was in the tens of thousands, now they can be bought for just a few pounds. This is […]

Private Investigator Services And The Police

Friday 28 Nov 2014 - 01:46:43

If you are a regular reader of our blog you will perhaps remember that back  in September we wrote about how the police service were asking victims to help them solve the crimes that had affected them. This was in part due to the drastic cuts in police numbers and funding. Well, failing police forces […]

Police Cutting Back?

Saturday 13 Sep 2014 - 01:07:39

Last time we looked at how the police are already asking civilians to investigate crimes that they have been the victim of. This week it’s been reported across the media that the powers that be want to reduce the number of serving Chief police officers. Are the Police Cutting Back? The BBC interviewed Irene Curtis […]

Investigators, still a Job for the Police?

Saturday 6 Sep 2014 - 10:10:14

Did you know Great Britain has a national network of investigators & Police, well it does. In 2013 according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) there were 129,584 full time serving police officers in England and Wales. The Telegraph published an interesting report yesterday about how the police are needing the public to support […]

Private Investigators Investigate Fraud

Friday 29 Aug 2014 - 01:46:11

Whether your case involves benefit, insurance or corporate frauds there are things that should be considered when you investigate fraud. This post looks at the top 10 things that need to be taken into account to ensure a successful conclusion to a case when you investigate fraud. The Law. Investigators carrying out an investigation of […]

Private Investigators on TV

Friday 22 Aug 2014 - 10:41:16

Private Investigators on tv? We are fast approaching the end of the summer holidays and we thought we would take a lighthearted look at popular ones. It has been harder than it sounds to gather a list of fictional private investigators rather than the classic cop sleuths we are inundated with. So here are our […]

Private Investigators Support Solicitors

Saturday 16 Aug 2014 - 09:12:56

Private Investigators support solicitors, however, we can all guess why a member of the general public would want to hire a private investigator firm. The classics are to trace missing relatives or confirm the faithfulness of a partner. However, as a solicitor you might consider the option of using a one-stop shop. This is where […]

The Private Investigator Data Protection

Friday 8 Aug 2014 - 10:00:20

We all need a data protection refresher course every now and then. This post looks at the Data Protection Act 1998 and the implications for Private Investigators. Recent reports in the national newspapers about the activities of Glenn Mulcaire highlight the need to bear the Act in mind when carrying out investigations. It should be […]

Vehicle Tracking Use

Friday 25 Jul 2014 - 09:29:51

With vehicle tracking use, back in May this year we wrote a detailed post that looked at the different types of technology that is used in vehicle tracking devices, we are going to build on that this week by looking at the circumstances where it will be useful and the guidelines that should be followed. […]

Private Investigators Use Drones

Friday 18 Jul 2014 - 10:27:40

Drones are like the remote control planes and helicopters we had as children. However technology has moved on in leaps and bounds and some models are no longer just toys as they carry recording equipment and can even connect to the internet and download data in real time. Up until very recently hi-tech drones have […]

Licensing Professional Investigators

Friday 4 Jul 2014 - 11:18:59

We are half way through the year and getting ever closer to the government’s introduction of  Professional Investigators Licensing, and with this licence will come the regulation of the industry. In this post we will be looking at the Top 5 benefits that licensing will bring for both the general public, as well as to the […]

Hire Private Investigator

Friday 6 Jun 2014 - 08:52:48

How to choose a Private Investigator? There are a lot of Private Investigation companies out there, In fact it is estimated that there are around 10,000 investigators in the UK, so we need a few ways to narrow down the options and ensure you hire the right investigator. So, how do you choose the right […]

Investigator Essentials

Friday 9 May 2014 - 02:23:48

Builders have hammers, plumbers have plungers. Every trade person has their own collection of essential tools without which their job would be nigh on impossible. Private investigators are no exception. Private Investigator Essentials This post looks at the top 5 tools every local private investigator should own. 1. Cobra Deluxe Spy Stick. Retailing at approximately […]

Private Investigators Help to Trace Debtors

Friday 20 Dec 2013 - 12:47:10

According to a recent report British taxpayers will have to pay for graduates who have left the country without paying debts. Private investigators have been called in to track down overseas graduates from UK universities who have left the country owing millions of pounds. We have found at Alpha 1 Legal Services, that we are […]

Private Investigators Image

Saturday 7 Dec 2013 - 12:36:40

The private investigators image that springs to mind, when one thinks of private investigators is the type of private eye or snoop that was romanticised in cinema. Like Jack Nicholson’s character in Chinatown, the British Sherlock Homes or even Hercule Poirot as made famous by Agatha Christie. However, professional investigators services are in demand in […]

Private Investigators In The UK Win Top Award

Saturday 23 Nov 2013 - 12:41:50

Alpha 1 Legal Services, one of the leading private investigator companies in the UK, is pleased to announce it has been voted as “UK Investigation Company of the Year 2014/15” at the Acquisition International M&A Awards. Private investigators win award! Alpha 1 Legal Services operate not only across the country with a number of legal […]

Private Investigators and the Use of Vehicle Tracking Devices

Sunday 20 Oct 2013 - 11:58:12

I have mentioned to clients many times, how beneficial our vehicle tracking devices can be in their enquiries. They are a great tool for providing intelligence to our investigators as to the movements and habits of someone (when deployed legally I might add). Gradually over the last year we have seen a surge in demand for hire […]