Pre Sue Reports

Pre Sue Reports to your specification, let us find the information that allows you to make the decisions.

Private Investigator of the Year 2014/15 Acquisition International Awards

We are the UK’s leading company for compiling pre sue reports. Pre sue reports, or pre litigation reports, provided by Alpha 1 Legal Services are used by our clients daily. This is mainly to help them before entering into Legal Proceedings.

What is a pre sue report?

The pre sue reports provided by Alpha 1 Legal Services can be used in either a Criminal Court, a Civil Court or more often these days an Industrial Tribunal.

Here at Alpha 1 Legal Services, our investigators assist with this by taking the pressure away from you. We provide you with specific information within our pre sue reports. This then allows you to concentrate on the case in hand! Getting the desired results for your client or clients.

Is a pre sue report used in court proceedings?

All of Alpha 1 Legal Services pre sue reports and pre litigation reports are compiled within the law (as legislation dictates as well as The Data Protection Act). Only information that is legally available is used within our pre sue reports.

This gives you the peace of mind that no laws have been broken in its preparation.

We use all available resources at our disposal to find information on the subject. This can include all social media sites, government sites and good old knocking on doors, to find out all the information we can on the subject of the pre sue report.

Give us a call, use the contact us button above, or send us an email, someone will be in touch shortly.


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I use Alpha 1 Legal Services whenever I need a pre sue report preparing for litigation, prompt, professional and to the point, no waffle!

SG - Solicitor