Various Applications of Drone Surveillance in the Private Investigation Industry

Monday 22 Jul 2024 - 07:46:02

  Over the past decade, the private investigation industry has seen a significant transformation, largely due to advances in technology. Drones have emerged as an invaluable tool for investigators, providing unique perspectives and enhancing surveillance capabilities. They enable professionals to capture detailed aerial footage and gather evidence from hard-to-reach locations, offering a strategic advantage in […]

Common Signs and Indicators of a Cheating Spouse.

Saturday 20 Jul 2024 - 01:45:45

  With relationships built on trust and commitment, noticing the signs of infidelity can be a painful yet necessary step for anyone suspecting their partner might be unfaithful. While no behaviour is definitive proof of cheating, there are common indicators that may raise suspicions. Such signs could include sudden changes in daily routines, increased secrecy […]

Best Way to Catch a Cheating Spouse

Thursday 18 Jul 2024 - 07:16:06

Alpha 1 Legal Services: Expert Private Investigators at Your Service How Much Does a Local Private Investigator Cost? The cost of hiring a local private investigator varies widely based on the complexity of the case and the specific services required. Generally, the hourly rates for private investigators in the UK range from £40 to £100. […]

Surveillance Company for Matrimonial Investigations

Monday 8 Jul 2024 - 07:32:50

  Matrimonial investigations can often lead you down a twisted path of deceit and betrayal. Imagine discovering that your significant other has been leading a double life right under your nose! In such cases, a surveillance company specialising in matrimonial investigations can be your best ally. With their discreet cameras, skilled operatives, and cunning tactics, […]

Are Listening Devices Illegal In The UK

Sunday 30 Jun 2024 - 11:24:39

  It’s important to understand the legality surrounding the use of listening devices in the United Kingdom. In the UK, the use of listening devices is regulated by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA). Under RIPA, it is illegal to use listening devices to intercept communications without proper authorisation. The law is in […]

Is Surveillance Legal In The UK For Private Investigators

Monday 24 Jun 2024 - 07:37:33

  In the maze of laws surrounding surveillance activities, one might find themselves pondering the legality of such in the UK, especially for those in the private investigation sector. You may be wondering if Big Brother truly is watching, but for private investigators, the rules differ. George Orwell’s spirit is invoked here as we research […]

Private Investigator Near Me Took Down Drug Dealers

Wednesday 19 Jun 2024 - 11:06:14

  There’s a gritty reality to our work as a private investigator. A recent case involving drug dealers on the streets near me tested our skills to their limit. In this blog post, I will take you through the intense investigation that led to the takedown of drug dealers operating in our community. Key Takeaways: […]

Illegal Fly Tipping – How We Brought Them Down

Monday 17 Jun 2024 - 07:12:58

  There’s nothing more satisfying than uncovering the meticulous details behind a criminal operation and bringing those responsible to justice. In this blog post, I will take you through the intricate work of our private investigators as we dismantled an illegal fly tipping gang. With strategic planning, undercover surveillance, and unwavering determination, we were able […]

Private Investigator in Gloucester Catches An Arsonist

Wednesday 12 Jun 2024 - 07:20:07

  Private investigator in Gloucester – Over the shadowy streets of Gloucester, a gripping tale of intrigue and deception unfolds. You will be captivated by the meticulous work of Alpha 1 Legal Services private investigator as they unravelled the web of lies surrounding a cunning arsonist. Through the lens of hidden cameras, dive deep into […]

Bug Sweep in Birmingham

Tuesday 15 Mar 2022 - 11:36:20

Earlier in the month, our counter surveillance and bug sweep in Birmingham team received a call. It was from a concerned female who thought that her property was being bugged by her ex. The female (we shall call her Jane), explained to our bug sweep in Birmingham team, that the reason she thought this was […]


Monday 20 Jul 2015 - 08:38:26

Using counter surveillance hacking methods in your home and office is not always enough. It is definitely a good start though. Hacking……………..The problem is, we don’t just use our internet connected devices in the home and office. Almost everywhere we go there are free WIFI hotspots. Hacking has hit the news this week as more […]

Wireless Surveillance

Friday 3 Jul 2015 - 09:38:34

You may have seen our recent Facebook picture posts showing examples of the equipment we use in our wireless surveillance jobs.  Wireless surveillance techniques have been around for a while now, in fact longer than you probably realise. CCTV and wireless surveillance cameras are prolific in today’s society. It was in 2013, The Telegraph reported […]

Covert Surveillance Drones

Friday 26 Jun 2015 - 01:08:29

It’s been a little while since we looked at using covert surveillance drones. In our previous posts we have been focused on the ethical issues surrounding the use of drone equipment and we thought that it was about time that we looked at the top 3 ways they can benefit the private investigator in carrying […]

Private Investigator for Surveillance

Friday 29 May 2015 - 12:22:49

A story released by ABC news earlier this month tells how a private investigation company used their skills to catch a farmer who had been scamming an insurance company that had been paying his workers comp claim. It only took four hours of surveillance for the private investigator to get video footage of the farmer […]

Counter Surveillance

Friday 15 May 2015 - 10:26:41

Counter surveillance techniques form a major part of any professional private investigators toolkit, whether they include expensive and new technology or just the private investigator using his or her streetwise skills. In this post we will be looking at why and how this is the case. Needing to avoid being noticed by the target: Counter surveillance. […]

Drone Rules & Cheating Spouses

Friday 10 Apr 2015 - 09:15:47

You may have seen our Facebook post earlier this week about the private investigator in America who openly uses a drone during her investigations. What makes this story interesting to the UK private investigation industry is not only the types of investigations the drones can be useful for, but also how legislation is being formed […]

Private Investigator Spy Apps?

Friday 30 Jan 2015 - 10:51:59

Private investigator spy apps? An integral part of the modern, professional private investigator tool kit is the mobile phone. Of course these days they are not just a phone but they are a smartphone. They are great. Almost everybody has one. One of the best things about them is the ability to download apps. Apps […]

Surveillance Guidelines in Care Homes

Friday 16 Jan 2015 - 11:16:26

Surveillance guidelines – Welcome back to our blog, this week we are providing a brief summary of the last 6 guidelines issued by the Care Quality Commission in respect of the use of CCTV and covert surveillance camera systems by the providers of care facilities. What Are The Covert Surveillance Guidelines? Remember that this is […]

Surveillance in Care Homes

Saturday 10 Jan 2015 - 12:58:59

Surveillance in care homes? Since our last post the Care Quality Commission have published guidelines for health and social care workers regarding the use of surveillance in their facilities. This and next week’s post will summarise those guidelines. A care provider must have reasons for using covert surveillance in care homes. Common acceptable reasons are the […]

Covert Camera Systems

Friday 19 Dec 2014 - 01:15:00

This week we are continuing the theme of covert camera systems and CCTV in care. There have been many terrible reports about the mistreatment of not just vulnerable elderly people but also disabled people that live in residential care. There have been numerous incidents in the news over the last few years and a Panorama […]

Covert Cameras in Care Homes

Saturday 13 Dec 2014 - 12:57:15

Last month we looked at the different covert cameras that can be used to catch a cheating husband or wife. This week we are going to look at the use of covert camera systems in care homes. What is the evidence for covert cameras? There are 18,000 care homes in the UK that provide either […]

Private Investigator & Safety Regulations

Saturday 6 Dec 2014 - 01:36:18

Private Investigator safety? As technology progresses, the technology companies find cheaper and cheaper ways of doing things and so the cost to the consumer is vastly reduced. Only 20 years ago the price of a CD burner was in the tens of thousands, now they can be bought for just a few pounds. This is […]

Vehicle Tracking Use

Friday 25 Jul 2014 - 09:29:51

With vehicle tracking use, back in May this year we wrote a detailed post that looked at the different types of technology that is used in vehicle tracking devices, we are going to build on that this week by looking at the circumstances where it will be useful and the guidelines that should be followed. […]

Private Investigators Use Drones

Friday 18 Jul 2014 - 10:27:40

Drones are like the remote control planes and helicopters we had as children. However technology has moved on in leaps and bounds and some models are no longer just toys as they carry recording equipment and can even connect to the internet and download data in real time. Up until very recently hi-tech drones have […]

Counter Surveillance Techniques

Friday 20 Jun 2014 - 09:42:45

One of the main themes in our blog has been surveillance, whether it’s been the equipment used or the benefits of using surveillance techniques to catch a cheating husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or partner. For this mini series of posts we will be looking at counter surveillance techniques. The first post is about using counter […]

RIPA & Surveillance

Friday 30 May 2014 - 10:00:13

In this post we will be looking at the definitions of the different types of surveillance and how RIPA affects it. First of all, let’s define covert surveillance: Covert meaning hidden and surveillance meaning watching or monitoring a person or thing with or without using technology as an aid. This can be either by following […]

Fighting Fraud With Surveillance

Friday 11 Apr 2014 - 09:27:28

Do you know why your insurance premiums go up even when you haven’t made a claim? Most people would hazard the correct guess that it is really down to the cost of fraudulent claims. Fighting Fraud………According to the Insurance Fraud Bureau the Association of British Insurers estimates the real cost to the average insurance policyholder […]

Catch Cheating Partners

Friday 21 Mar 2014 - 12:04:50

Can you tell if your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend is cheating? What do you do if they deny it? How do you know if you have a cheating partner? We can help catch cheating partner. The statistics from the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 2014 shows that 41% of married people admitted to […]

Surveillance Equipment Essentials

Friday 14 Mar 2014 - 09:15:14

Have you ever wondered what surveillance equipment a private investigator keeps close when they are on a surveillance stakeout or attempting to catch a cheating husband or wife? This post will answer that question for you. However, it is worth noting that new technologies are released regularly and so there may be ‘gadgets’ not on […]

Anti Fraud Surveillance Services

Sunday 10 Nov 2013 - 12:42:22

Being a private investigation company using anti fraud surveillance services in the UK on a daily basis, we are often called upon to investigate false claims of sickness on behalf of employers and government departments. Our fraud surveillance services are used nationwide. In most cases their suspicions are not unfounded, which is why they engage a […]