Sunderland is not known for its clement climate. This doesn’t deter our process server in Sunderland though.
They are out in all weathers making sure that your legal documents are served in a prompt and efficient manner. The economic climate hasn’t been great in recent years in Sunderland either, meaning our process server team in Sunderland have been kept very busy.
On one particular occasion, a member of a local legal firm had called our process server in Sunderland to serve a statutory demand to the customer of one of their clients. The debt had been outstanding for some time, and was causing a cash flow issue for the solicitor’s client.
When our process server turned up at the address that they had been provided with, he found out that the debtor had moved away. Our process server did not give up. He knocked on a couple of doors and found that the debtor had moved to a different estate, where it was thought that the debtor had moved in with his sister.
He was given a street name, but not the door number of the house. Within an hour of our process server being on the street of the new address, he saw the respondent coming out of a house and get into a waiting taxi. After making enquiries our process sever in Sunderland confirmed that the debtor was indeed living with his sister at that address.
The process server reported his findings to the solicitor handling the case and we sent a letter making an appointment to serve the debtor at the new address. When our process server returned to the address, he still did not make contact with the debtor. The process server therefore completed substituted service of the Statutory Demand. A full report of the substituted service was sent to the solicitor along with the Certificate of Substituted Service signed by our process server in Sunderland.
Alpha 1 Legal Services offer a fixed fee process server service in Sunderland and across the whole of the UK.
The closest County Court to Sunderland is SUNDERLAND COUNTY COURT
As a Process Server in Sunderland, we serve all legal documents issued from Sunderland County Court.